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News & Events


Family Night Supper  Every quarter we host a potluck dinner for the church family.  There’s great food and lots of fun!  The next one is Wednesday Aug. 16 at 6:00.


Blessing of the Backpacks  This annual event will happen August 27.  Backpacks complete with all the supplies are prayed over during worship along with our students, teachers, and staff. 


ChC             AUGUST NEWSLETTER 2023


The Pastor’s Pen:     One night a man was driving through the “bad” part of town and he had the windows rolled up and the doors locked when he saw the young boy waving frantically in the air. He knew it could be a trap and that the gangs, all too familiar in this neighborhood, could pounce as soon as he stopped and got out of the safety of his car, but something told him to stop and so he did. 

    The boy, about 7 years old, ran over and said his mother  needed help. His baby sister had been hurt and they needed a way to the hospital emergency room. Again, it could have been a trap, but the man got out of his brand new Lexus and loaded the mom, the young boy, and his bleeding sister into his expensive new car complete with white leather seats, knowing that that blood was never coming out. 

    Then, on the way to the hospital the young boy piped up. “Mister, are you God?” “No,” the man laughed, “but I am one of His children.” “Well,” the boy said settling back now that his question had been answered, “I knew you had to be related somehow.” 

    It’s a simple story, much like one Jesus told about a man in the ditch and the one person willing to help him, but it is a story that is repeated more times than we know in unexpected acts of kindness that help someone else bear a heavy load. 

    You see, the gospel is not a bunch of words on paper. It’s not a warm feeling in your heart. It is not a private, personal thing. It is not some abstract platitude. It is a call to action – a call to reach outside of ourselves and our needs, our wants. 

It is summed up in a letter that the apostle John wrote when he says, “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” 

Live out your love today. See you in church! 

Pastor Pat


Pastor Pat will be on a spiritual retreat August 21 & 22. 


Are you interested in joining the church and making this your church home?  Pease let John Lewis or Pastor Pat know of your interest.  We’d love to have you join us!!


We’ll have our Family Night Supper Wednesday August 16 at 6:00.  


The Blessing of the Book Bags will be Sunday August 27.  We will be praying for students, teachers, and school employees as school begins August 28.   



Load up the box!  We will have a box at the front of the sanctuary to fill with kleenex, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes for teachers to use in their classrooms.  (Teachers generally pay for these necessities out of their own pocket so let’s be generous and show them how much we care!)


Coming in September!!

Kick Off Sunday will be Sept. 10 (the Sunday after Labor Day).  We will be starting back up our Children’s Sunday School class in what has been the nursery.   The class is designed for all children ages 4-12.  They will begin with a snack and a warm up activity; then learn a Bible story and do an activity sheet including coloring pages and games; followed by a closing activity and prayer.  The teachers will rotate one month at a time.  Would you like to help?  Please let Debbie, Betty, or Pastor Pat know.  The lessons are easy to prepare and the kids are wonderful! 

The adult Bible Study will be doing a special series on A Guide To The Bible taught by Pastor Pat.  Have you ever wondered how the Bible is organized or what are the major themes of each book?  Or why the gospels are all slightly different?  Then this class is for you!  Come join us as we look at these and other questions about the scriptures.  

Invite a friend to join us at 9:30 for these classes or at 11:00 for worship!  



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